1. Reduction in the size of your back teeth due to erosion from acids formed from sugar.
  2. Gum infections of various kinds which may end up requiring surgery.
  3. Changes in the bite of a person i.e. the way upper and lower teeth come together
  4. Sugar may also affect the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which in turn may also cause digestion problems
  5. Causes bad breath due to the buildup of bacteria.

    Best Dentiat in Nagpur

Acid is directly corrosive to teeth. The bacteria in your mouth feeds off of sugars and carbohydrates, so the more sugar and acid you consume, the higher your risk of tooth decay. While vitamin C is important for healthy gums, overdoing it with lemon and oranges can actually cause the enamel on your teeth to wear away. Brushing your teeth is just one step towards a
healthy smile.

The second step is observance what you eat, and that goes far beyond just confining candy. Yes, even the healthy substance can wreak havoc on teeth. According to the Smilestone Dental Care, your mouth is the body’s initial point of contact with the nutrients you consume.What you put in your mouth not only impacts your health, but also your dentition, sweet and, in the end, your smile. Sometimes,your teethare the first place to show signs of malnutrition.

Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur

Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, the Best Dentist in Nagpur explains that sugar is widely known to be a cause of your tooth decay, but acidic foods can be just as detrimental.To combat the counter personal property that substance can have on teeth, Dr. Smilestone suggests brushing at least doubly a day, getting paid dental cleanings, and flossing. “Flossing is the key to good gum health. You can have bonny teeth, but, without a healthy fundament, those teeth won’t be in your mouth for long.”

Sugar from colas, sodas and other carbonated beverages:
Sugar that Gets into your body in the form of carbonated beverages is the worst in terms of the nooks and crannies that it gets into. As it is in liquid form, it swirk around the toughtest corner and deposit sugar there. this will encourage the growth of harmful bacteria, causing a host of problems. Smilestone also offers Best Cosmetic Dentist in Nagpur.

Encourage the growth of plaque:
Plaque is an obstructive and sticky substance that forms on many parts of your body, including the teeth. Plaque is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and these bacteris feed and grow on thr sugar frm the foods that you eat. These bacteria can cause cavities, gum infections, bad breath, destroy the enamel among causing other dental problems as well.
Dissolving tooth enamel:
Tooth enamel is the topmost layer of teeth. This is the layer which is visible to the naked eye and is white in color. Foods such as tough candies can leave a hard lump of refined sugar lodged in your teeth which the spit in your mouth will not be able to dissolve away. This will keep producing acids and result in the dissolving of the enamel.Enamel protects the nerves of the teeth and thus, will result in extreme pain and even tooth decay.

In addition to decent dental care, try constrictive the following foods to help you maintain a bonny and healthy smile! Smilestone is the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur. Visit us at-, or feel free to call us at- 09823154023


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