Do you know why you smell bad breath under your face mask?
Most air leaks through surgical masks and fabric masks (including neck gaiters). Sometimes they can be removed from the sides or the tops of these masks. Fabrics like polyester that are too thin to keep out the wind can be problematic as well. Some masks, such as the N95 and the KN95, are made of less permeable materials and fit more snugly around the face. When it comes to blocking out bacteria and viruses, these masks are tops in the industry. They are not only effective in keeping in fresh air, but also in keeping in foul breath. This is because these masks allow for very less air exchange, compared to others that allow for more air to be brought in and exhaled. Are you searching for Best Orthodontist in Nagpur A foul odour is emanating from the mouths of those who have their noses buried in their masks. It's not fun to be around someone with awful breath, and it's much worse to have to smell your own for hours on end. Here are some potential causes of unpleasant breat...